Here is a quick snack I surprised my kids with before our football game the other day. I even made some extra to send off in a care package to Minnesota to one of our players who is in his freshman year out there playing football.
All of their favorites: pretzels, M&M's, Halloween Oreos, and candy corn all wrapped in white chocolate! Yum!
Package of white chocolate melting chips or lb. of white chocolate almond bark
Crumbled oreos
Crumbled pretzels
Candy corn
Halloween Sprinkles
1. Melt white chocolate in microwave according to package directions. While chocolate is melting, line baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper or no stick foil.
2. Pour layer of chocolate on lined cookie sheet, then quickly toss snack mixture into the chocolate. Sprinkle sprinkles over top. (You'll need to work quickly as for the chocolate to not harden.)
3. Allow to harden (or refrigerate to harden)
4. Break apart into pieces.
*(You could toss your snack mixture on the lined cookie sheet first, then pour the white chocolate over top, but I had so many pieces that were so thick with chocolate since it is difficult to spread, the above directions worked best for me!)
Inspired by: Your Home Based Mom
Linked to: Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Here is another version of "Monster Munch" that includes popcorn.
Halloween Oreos? Seriously? We don't get Halloween Oreos in Canada, I've never even heard of them. :o( This sounds fantastic, I would probably sit and eat all of this at once, lol. Great snack!