It's that time again...report cards and parent teacher conferences. Oh, how I remember the excitement, and sometimes the anxiety (oh, yes!), of my parents getting ready the night of parent-teacher conferences at my school. I still recall the way they would come through the door whether the report was going to be good, or, "you have some things to work on..." (You see, I was the little "social butterfly"). Well, fortunately for me, I turned out okay. And my children, they're even better!
Our first grader received yet another picture-perfect report card, and we had another enjoyable conference with her teacher. She is right on target, and is thriving with the challenging enrichment work she is given. Yes, she too is a little "social butterfly" per se, but "continues to be a great example for others". Oh, we're so proud!
And our four year old...he too has made great strides this year in his first year at preschool! What a great conference we had for him as well! He is a "leader" in his classroom, and "will make one super athlete", according to his teachers. (Well, did he have a chance otherwise??!! Coach was thrilled to hear that!!) He counts up to 29... a record!
With two teachers as parents, our children don't have a chance when it comes to "goofing off" in school. They know the importance of education, studying, respecting their teachers and helping others. We couldn't be more proud of our little students!!
Linked to: Finer Things Friday
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