Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tackle it Tuesday: 30-Day Shred Update

Last week I started Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. Here's my update:
I missed two days this past week. A monstrous, debilitating sinus/migraine headache and nausea was a good excuse, then we had a church supper on Sunday, and I was just preoccupied with housework and cooking, and we got home much later than expected, so I didn't get around to it. (Not to mention the time change thrown in...we lost an hours sleep, you know!!)
When I started I measured every part that could be measured, around my thighs, arms, behind, hips, etc...and so far I lost 2.5 inches around my waist (that is where I noticed it's more toned!!), 1 inch off my hips and an inch off the tops of my arms (again, more toned!!) I went from doing no exercise regimen to this...so I think my body was in shock and I saw results. I'm due to start Level 2 on Thursday...I'll let you know how that goes!! In the video Jillian says after 5-7 days you get used to it...well, newsflash, Jillian: There's nothing in your workout this body is getting used to!!! ;) I just look at it as one more thing on my list I have to tackle each day. My bikini...uh, I mean tankini... awaits!!
How's everyone else doing on your 30-Day Shred?


  1. I think it's a great workout. I did it for a couple weeks straight and saw great results. I also try to run a couple times a week too so now I use the video more for my strength training.
    Way to go for tackling Jillian.

  2. WOW! I'm preggo right now but will need to start looking into some sort of routine again after this little one arrives.
    Great job with your work out and getting in shape!

    Visiting from Tackle It Tuesday. :)
