Monday, May 4, 2009

Supper Time: May 3rd-9th

*Meals are subj. to change w/o notice due to unforeseen circumstances, change of plans, migraines or meltdowns!!

Sunday: Creamy Chicken (see recipe below)
green beans
white rice

Monday: homemade pizza
fruit salad

Tuesday: Cinco de Mayo
Frito Pie (see recipe below)
(for those non mexican food lovers...sloppy joes on english muffins, using the same meat)

Wednesday: Sesame Chicken Strips
green beans

Thursday: Cheesy Chicken pasta Bake

Friday: Cheeseburgers on grill
fruit salad

Saturday: Outback Steahouse Shrimp on the Barbie
grilled chicken
baked potatoes

Creamy Chicken:
1 lb. chicken breasts
2T. butter
1/4 C. grated parm. cheese (optional...sometimes I add it, others not)
2T. flour
1C. milk
1/2 C. grated swiss or about 4 1 in. cubes
1/4 C. bread crumbs (I make my own with leftover crusts or stale bread processed in my food processor)

In lg. skillet, melt butter over med. heat.
Add chicken and cook, turning until well browned, about 10mins.
Preheat oven to 350.
Arrange chicken in baking dish.
In skillet whisk flour into drippings.
Cook, stirring constantly for about a minute.
Gradually add milk and cook until smooth and thick (stirring constantly!)
Remove from heat and add in Swiss cheese.
Pour sauce over chicken.
Top with parm cheese if you choose.
Sprinkle bread crumbs on top.
Bake for 45 mins. or until chicken is tender and juices run clear.

Frito Pie:
1lb. ground beef, browned and drained.
1 bag Fritos
8oz. shredded cheddar cheese
jar tomato sauce/spaghetti sauce
1pkg taco seasonings if you choose (I do not use)
1pt. sour cream if you choose (I do not use)

Mix ground beef with tomato sauce (and taco seasoning if you like)
In 9x13 cass. dish lay out a layer of Fritos, cover with ground beef mixture.
Sprinkle cheddar cheese over top.
Cover with sour cream if you like.
Cover again with another layer of Fritos, then cheese.
You can make this a multiple layer pie if you choose.
Bake at 375 ° until bubbly.
Serve with salsa and sour cream if you desire.

For more meal planning ideas visit

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