Sunday, June 21, 2009

Supper Time: June 21st-27th

Well, last week's weather was a dud and we had to cancel our yard sale! This week marks the first full week of summer vacation for us. We're going to go to a $1AMC movie this week, and Daddy is going to get in a golf tournament before leaving for the State University with his basketball team for three days for camp ( father will be there with HIS team!!). It's a nice feeling to have the week to be "settled" before summer enrichment, VBS, and trips occur! I'm looking forward to getting some projects done around the house (stay tuned!) AND I'm hoping for some nicer weather!

*Meals are subj. to change w/o notice due to unforeseen circumstances, change of plans, migraines or meltdowns!!

Sunday: Happy Father's Day BBQ!
London Broil
Baked potatoes
corn on the cob
Cheese & Cracker platter
Apple Pie

Monday: Creamy baked beefaroni (halved recipe)

Tuesday: London broil on toast points (leftover from Sun.)
Corn on cob

Wednesday: Boneless Fried Chicken
macaroni and cheese
green beans

Thursday: Chicken parm (made from extras from Wed.)

Friday: Homemade Pizza Hut Pan Pizza
Fruit salad

Saturday: Chinese Food
(if it's nice maybe head over to my sisters for a swim...and some company!!)

Linked to: Menu Plan Monday


  1. Sounds great! Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh, I want to try that pizza recipe too -- it's on my list to try!
